Class Registration Class Registration Advance registration is required. Please complete the form below. Thank you! Please complete as fully as possible to help us understand your pup. Name* First Last Phone*Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email Which class are you registering for? Puppy Kindergarten Basic Obedience Therapy Dogs Beginner/Intermediate KGC Novice Open Classes Agility Rally-O Flying Disc Private Class/Evaluation Preferred Date and Time Canine InformationCall Name* Dog's Age*Sex* Male Female Neutered/Spayed* Yes No How did you obtain your dog?* How Long have you had this dog?* Please list what you like about your dog*Please list any problems your dog is having*Previous Training?* Your training goal?*How did you hear about Kindred Souls?* Do you or your dog have any medical/physical problems?* Yes No If you answered yes please explain.Veterinarian Name* Veterinarian's Phone*I attest my dog has had the following vaccinations on the dates stated below Puppies under 6 months of age are exempt from Rabies Requirement. Please note: All puppies are required to have their shots prior to entering the grounds. Distemper* MM slash DD slash YYYY Parvo* MM slash DD slash YYYY Parainfluenza* MM slash DD slash YYYY Rabies MM slash DD slash YYYY Puppies under 6 months of age are exempt from Rabies Requirement. Δ