Novice – Open Classes

Novice – Open Classes


Pre-requisite: Basic Obedience and Beginner Intermediatepuppy kindergarten

These are our upper level Obedience Classes. Again, mixing practicality and precision you can continue training for both competition and fun. The exercises in these classes are taught for use in high level obedience trails, but always have a basis for use in taking your dog out in public areas and having increased control. The in addition exercises included in the Novice Class are:

  • Off-leash Heeling
  • Figure 8 Heeling
  • Drop-On-Recall
  • Jumping
  • Long Sits and Downs, plus. increased distraction work and attention training.

To help the dogs stay fresh, we will often sneak in some agility or games to keep the dogs interest high and reinforce the desire to work.

In the Open Obedience classes we add Retrieval Work (over Jumps and on flat), Broad Jump. Directed Jumps and Owner Absent Stays.