

Katherine Frank (Kat) came to Kindred Souls as a client back in 2015 with one of her dogs. After completing Basic Obedience and Therapy Class Training, she wanted to learn more about dogs and how they think. She started apprenticing under Peter Campione (Behaviorism and Obedience Classes) and Chris Lehmann (Therapy Classes) and in all other classes. She fell in love with what they do and always wanted to learn more. She sat in on everything including Pete’s  private sessions for dogs with extreme issues.

“Kat” has an amazing natural instinct with dogs and showed to be a quick study. She has been with KSK9 for about 5 years now and is always learning new things about dogs. But within the second year she was so competent in her abilities, Pete was having her take over for him on various exercises in Puppy and Basic Obedience classes.  She has an astounding memory and can duplicate any of Pete’s problem-solving answers in relation to the dog.

Today she has become someone who can handle dogs with her own expertise and perspective. With help from rally instructor Maria, Kat came to love rally obedience. She has started to show many different dogs in the sport. She scored titles for Pete’s dog Frankie and guided him to first place in every trail.

Now in 2024, Kat is teaching Tricks class, Level 1&2, Therapy Class and has become an amazing and intuitive teacher.  Her and her Aussie “Tate” are taking the Obedience Ring by storm.